Payment Methods
We have multiple payment methods for your choosing! Feel free to use which ever style you like.
Scan our QR Code below or enter our Unique Entity Number (UEN) "53456352W".
For the reference, please enter your order number # - - - - (eg. #1009).
Once the transaction is successful, kindly take a screenshot and email it to or WhatsApp +65 89441437 for verification.
We will contact you to confirm the delivery once payment has been verified. Please kindly PayNow! as soon as possible to avoid any undue delays. Thank you!
Credit Card
If you have a credit card with the major payment network Visa, Mastercard or AMEX, select the "Credit card" payment option and enter your credentials.
Apple Pay and Google Pay
To make checkouts faster, we also have Apple Pay and Google Pay which you can select, depending on which device you're on.
Alternatively, if you prefer using PayPal you could select it at the Express checkout or by selecting PayPal as a payment option instead of PayNow! or Credit card.